Happy Memorial Day
We enjoyed an American ritual today as we went to our town's Memorial Day parade. There were no flashy flowered floats. There were a lot of American flags, some local officials, representatives of veterans groups, lots of Boy and Girl Scout troops and marching bands from local schools. There were also a lot of American's enjoying one of our most basic freedoms--the right of assembly.
Whenever some lily livered pacifist starts waxing eloquent about how we must be careful that we don't offend the people who have been attacking us for more than two decades, I wish I could "slap him/her silly" as my grandma used to say. She was right! Now as we face another 1-1/2 years of "campaigning" we'd be wise to listen carefully to what the candidates say about protecting our freedoms and challenging our enemies to back them down. I won't defend much that the Bush administration has done well or lately, but it has been steadfast about defending America, its rights, its way of life and its freedoms.
On this Memorial Day, I pay tribute to the brave souls living and dead who served to protect us all, so we can enjoy the American way of life. Why else do you think so many immigrants want to come here? Tony Blair got it right when he said, "You can judge the worth of a country by looking at how many people want to enter compared to the number that want to leave."
It's the new home for Osama bin Laden, and much of the Taliban too. It is virtually ungoverned, despite the assurances of our so called friends in control of Pakistan. Don't be fooled by phony diplomacy. We have few "friends" around the world these days, and fewer yet in the Middle East and neighboring countries. We need to crack down on Pakistan and get this huge, rugged area cleaned up or cleaned out....and Pakistan has to does Afghanistan and other neighboring countries (including China.)
OK, if you are trying to pry information out of a truly bad guy (gender neutral for those PC readers), what should you do, say "pretty please?" I am with the Jack Bauer/24 school of interrogation--stop the terrorists and get it out of them however necessary. I know, once in a while someone who knows nothing or is truly innocent will be abused. That is the price of a "war on terror." Read a Vince Flynn novel--there are nine of them out now, and see how his protagonist Mitch Rapp deals with this issue--and the issue of government waffling, political correctness, bleeding heart liberals, etc.. Right on-- Mitch Rapp and Jack Bauer--you have the right idea!
Duke holds the current record, with 34 cheaters exposed and expelled from its vaunted B-School, but with 56% of B-School students admitting to cheating, there are many more cheaters. A lot of them will find their way into corporate jobs where the culture of cheating might be tolerated in the name of being "good soldiers" to a misguided management. Watch for them!
Don't panic yet. Once again, our upside down logic is threatening a recession. The headline read: "STRONG HOUSING SALES SEND MARKET TUMBLING." What? Right, you read it right. The market dropped because of concerns that the strong housing sales would keep the Fed from lowering interest rates to stimulate the economy. But, it appears the Fed is steering us to a soft landing so far. And remember, low growth--in the 2% range--is still growth; it's not NO growth or negative growth--which is the definition of recession.
Last rant for today: Why can't these politicians get it right? Because the ones leading the charge are thinking wrong or not thinking at all. As long as Ted Kennedy is in the leading group drafting the immigration legislation, expect the worst. It is not rocket science--not easy or fast--but simple enough.
1-Define the problem; 2--Solve the problem.
----Problem 1: more than 12 million illegal immigrants here now, which can't be found or deported (practically speaking), so find a way for them to "come forth and get legal."
----Problem 2: Many still coming, need to be identified and tracked until we know where they are, and what they are doing toward becoming citizens or going back to where they came from. "Identify and track them."
----Problem 3: They don't assimilate and employers hire them, retailers and banks extend credit and they are treated almost as if they are legal--but they are not.
----Problem 4: There are a lot of them, and we need even more, to help do the work Americans can't or won't do, so they need to become citizens and then get rights, like voting. But it must be done right, or they will become a "under-culture" and cost more than they contribute.
----Problem 5: We have long borders that are hard to patrol, and most illegal immigrants come from the south from Mexico, because it is poor and it doesn't control its borders--so stiffen up--including a fence, electronics, the whole deal.
How to write the law? Here is a crude, incomplete shot at it.
--1) "Amnesty" over time, with qualifications and penalties is inevitable. Unqualified amnesty is wrong--a reward for breaking the law.
--2) Sign up and admit you are here illegally (vs. being caught) in the first 6 months, get an "Immigrant ID Card."
--3) Issue tamper-proof, RFID-based "Immigrant ID Cards" and require a sign-up once each year to confirm whereabouts until they become a citizen. Make the penalty for forged/forging ID cards a felony, punishable by immediate deportation (immigrant) or incarceration for 10 year prison term without parole (citizen/employer).
--4) Do not grand driver's licenses (voiding of any already issued) without a "immigration license card". Mandate cancellation and reissue of all credit cards, debit cards, and other forms of corporate ID based on proof of legal status (the Immigrant ID Card and appropriate INS papers..
--5) Demand valid Social Security Card and an "Immigrant ID Card prior to employment--or to continue employment. Punish employers for failure to comply.
--6) Make English the required language--both if immigrants and officially for the USA. NO voting until an English exam is passed.
--7) Increase quotas both for critical skill needs (substantially), and also increase quotas for family members who were "left behind" --provided they all enter properly and immediately register for their Immigration License.
--8) Offer a choice to those who are caught violating or ignoring this new set of laws. (Allow 6 mo. from passage date to comply.): Immediate deportation (regardless of family members left behind) OR 2 years incarceration in a penal colony--on the US border as a worker building "the fence."
--9) Build the damn fence--don't just talk about it.
Is that so hard to understand? All the politicians need to "bend some" to make this work right for all Americans--present and future.
Almost all of us came from immigrant ancestors 2-3 generations back. These immigrants were not always welcomed into the US with open arms, but in many cases, they were welcomed because workers were needed. In those two generations, most have assimilated into the American culture, speak English and think of themselves as "Americans."
That should be the goal of this immigration plan. Not punitive per se, not even all that selective--but make it a must that immigrants sign up, sign in and until "assimilated" either through time, language or culture, do not get all the rights of American citizens. Once they are "citizens" they are "Americans" with all the rights and privileges this great country offers--including attending the Memorial Day parade and serving in our military forces. Wouldn't that be something to celebrate at future Memorial Days?
Best, John
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