The primary problem--and benefit--is that it's long: 41 minutes. Get a cup of coffee or a drink and settle in front of your computer. You will be amazed!
He simply doesn't know how to govern and lead, doesn't want to, and wants to do just what he is doing--campaigning--it's what he's good at!
FROM POLITICO.COM: The State Department has confirmed that a decision on the proposed Keystone XL pipeline will be postponed so that it can "undertake an in-depth assessment of potential alternative routes in Nebraska." In a statement, the department said it is "reasonable to expect" that the extended review process "could be completed as early as the first quarter of 2013" - pushing off a contentious issue for President Barack Obama until after the 2012 presidential election.
The GOP candidate has to be someone who is able to go toe to toe with Obama and win--in the minds, AND HEARTS, of the American people.
There is a full text of this "goofy" speech on YouTube if you want to see if all. This clip is enough for me. I took a shot at Perry in my FORBES blog this week. First watch this video--all the way to the end to see the "maple syrup" part: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YSJv-2qfDNc As you probably realize by now, I hold Rick Perry in low regard for a variety of reasons.
The most common question I get these days is "What do you think about the Herman Cain sexual harassment allegations?" I am like most people; I don't know what or who to believe. I am inclined to accept Cain's denial, since I like his overall persona. I am suspicious of a woman who surfaces from financial distress to make public accusations about something that happened over 10 years ago, accompanied by a celebrity lawyer. It just smells like some kind of "agenda" is at work, funded by serious money. But who knows. She could be telling the truth. Or Cain could be telling the truth. Whatever the case, I still like Cain's blunt, common sense approach. But...he may be damaged goods now--a shame!
LIke David Brooks, I still like Mitt Romney. Iam for the GOP candidate who is most electable & I think that is Mitt! Brooks says it well--and in the NYTimes no less! However, read on for the big surprise this week.
His ideas resonate increasingly with me. I think this is true with a lot of people. If Newt (as a candidate) could really push Obama into a series of seven "Lincoln-Douglas style" debates, that is something I'd love to see. Whether he can carry the election remains A BIG ISSUE. Newt was one of the most polarizing faces in the GOP in the past.
BOTTOM LINE VIABLE CANDIDATES ONE YEAR BEFORE: Romney, Gingrich, maybe Cain, and that's it. Paul should not even be invited back to the stage, and soon both Bachman and Santorum will be so low in polls that they will join Huntsman on the sidelines. And you know how I feel about Rick Perry. Let's see how primary voters in early states: Iowa, New Hampshire, South Carolina, Florida and Nevada see it!
THIS FROM SPEAKER OF THE HOUSE JOHN BOEHNER (I don't know if the links will work or not):
House Has Passed 22 Bipartisan Jobs Bills, & Counting
November 6, 2011 | Posted by Speaker Boehner's Press Office | Permalink
On ABC's This Week, Speaker Boehner highlighted the 22 bipartisan House-passed jobs bills that would remove government barriers to job growth (by stopping unnecessary regulations, preventing tax hikes on small businesses, and more) but remain stalled in the Democrat-controlled Senate. Instead of more of the same failed 'stimulus' spending, these bills - all part of the Republican Plan for America's Job Creators - free job creators from government obstacles that prevent them from hiring new workers. Watch Speaker Boehner's interview and learn more about the House-passed jobs bills below:
Bipartisan House-Passed Jobs Bills Free Job Creators from Excessive Government Regulations, Tax Hikes, More Failed 'Stimulus' Spending
On ABC, Speaker Boehner said Washington has "done all this 'stimulus' spending in the last couple of years and, clearly, it has not worked." Instead of more 'stimulus' spending, higher taxes, and more needless regulations, the GOP jobs plan removes government barriers to job creation.
Virginia Attorney General Ken Cuccinelli says one House-passed jobs bill - the TRAIN Act - would protect hundreds of thousands of jobs and prevent electricity rates from skyrocketing.
Job creators spoke out in favor of four bipartisan jobs bills in testimony to Congress last week, arguing that if they became law these small businesses could begin hiring "immediately."
Speaker Boehner suggested this kind of approach to creating jobs and repairing infrastructure by expanding energy production (as opposed to more failed 'stimulus' spending or earmarks - which the House has banned) in his September address on "Liberating America's Economy."
President Obama Stays Disengaged as Democrat-Controlled Senate Stalls Bipartisan House-Passed Jobs Bills
Speaker Boehner said "there is no reason – not one – for Senate Democrats to delay action on these bills any longer and that the president should urge them to act. "It is unacceptable for the White House to be anything less than 100 percent engaged in the legislative process," he said.
Latest Jobs Report Shows "Troubling Long-Term Unemployment Trends," Shows Need for GOP Jobs Plan
President Obama said last week the country is "better off now" under his failed 'stimulus' policies than it was four years ago, to which Speaker Boehner responded: "Are you kidding me?"
Speaker Boehner's economic policy advisor examined the latest unemployment report to see whether Americans are really "better off now" under the administration's 'stimulus' policies.
The analysis also found "disproportionately high unemployment for minorities, teens and those 55 and older, as well as troubling long-term unemployment trends." Read more.
And an op-ed in the Wall Street Journal says the "tsunami" of new government regulations is making things worse, "paralyzing" investment needed for job creation and economic growth.
This is why the Republican Plan for America's Job Creators - and its many bipartisan House-passed jobs bills - is so important. Read more about it and track our progress at jobs.GOP.gov.
China's mass of contradictions may even be enigmatic to Chinese leaders. Chinese government secrecy inhibits fact checking. It is riding a growth tiger and must eventually dismount, but like all of us, appears fearful of being chewed up when it gets off.
Export earnings finance most of China's 9% compound annual economic growth rate. Foreign direct investment in China is less than half that of the United States, and Chinese are investing mightily abroad. Some appear ready to buy Saab, for example. At home, Chinese subsidize new technology, manufacturing, and construction at a breathless pace. However, for a variety of reasons observers fear that this Cinderella coach will turn into a pumpkin within a few years.
At least five large, newly built Chinese cities are inhabited mostly by their construction crews. Of these, only Ordos City has gotten much Western attention. Buying a residence requires 50% down, so banks issue few bad mortgages - but few good ones too. Rumor is that well-heeled investors hold a big chunk of 64 million empty apartments on speculation. Likewise China's new high-speed rail system is lightly used for the same reason. Too few middle class Chinese can afford it.
Western banks have gotten a toehold on this boom, although China minimizes Western bank investment. However, it's enough that financial analysts fear that in addition to global economic drag if the Chinese bubble pops, Western bank exposure would create a big system problem like 2008. Unfortunately, the enigmatic fog over Chinese doings makes it hard for anyone to project risks - including the Chinese.
So why do Chinese governments, central and provincial, keep fueling this growth? To impress the world? Artificially boost GNP growth? Maintain jobs? Give people a visible hope for a better future? Policy analysts figure that to keep going, China must hike middle class incomes soon in order for them to fill this overbuilt capacity.
China is also an environmental enigma. It leads the world in generating energy by both alternative means and conventional ones. The biggest non-fossil source of energy is hydro power from big dams. China has far more big dams than any other country. Hydro generating capacity increased 90% between 2004 and 2009. It is planned to increase by another 70% percent by 2014; plus 46,000 dams need to be rebuilt or replaced. In addition to wild entrepreneurial growth, China still builds infrastructure on 5-year plans that are hard to throttle back.
China and India have both opted out of the World Commission on Dams, which looks at dams as global projects with consequences to a multitude of stakeholders. Critics see China's water programs leading to more unintended consequences like the Aral Sea. These problems are so severe that the 7th update of The World's Water, considered the bible on world water issues, devotes a whole chapter to China.
Engineers marvel and environmentalists gasp at two huge Chinese water projects: The Three Gorges Dam, and the South-to-North waterway, which is comparable to diverting the Mississippi to the U.S. East Coast. Those projects plus all the rest have displaced millions of people. Many now lead a marginal urban existence. Chinese secrecy does not prevent news of social unrest, some of it violent, from leaking out.
The Communist Party's boom can't long continue. First, they can't obtain enough materials and energy to maintain this pace. Second, pacifying people displaced but left out of the new economy keeps getting harder. Third, the financial bubble can't keep floating forever. Compression will catch up to China, just as it will to everyone else on the planet.
It's easy for me to fill a page with my own words, but when I find someone who has done it well, and with whom I agree, I tend to grab it and share it.
The SPEAKER'S piece above describes the "unpublicized" efforts of the House to try to stimulate growth in the US economy--the right way.
Unfortunately, this stuff seldom gets air time on the mainstream media. I hope sharing it with you this way is useful. It's hard to believe, but true--Americans get a very biased, filtered kind of "news" these days.
One way to overcome that is to forward newsletters and articles (like this one contains) to a huge number of recipients, who in turn pass them on. FEEL FREE TO PASS ON THE ENTERPRISE TO AS MANY PEOPLE AS YOU'D LIKE.
If you need a good laugh read the news article.
Author of the award winner: The Complexity Crisis& The Chinese Conspiracy (a novel)
Come see me on Forbes.com, and American Express Open Forum.com
THE ENTERPRISE--WHAT WOULD I DO? written Nov. 11, 2009!
One of the first things I learned in business is that simply being critical does little good, and make a lot of enemies. The better thing to do is to consider some alternatives and come up with some better ideas. At least then, you are spending your energy positively instead of negatively. Unfortunately, there are people leading our government who don't get it.
One of my more thoughtful correspondents posed the question to me: What would YOU do if you were to redirect the GOP in a new, more positive direction? The answer is to first make it clear that this is a "whole new, different GOP party," one that is less extreme in many respects and more encompassing in others. Those who want to return to the "old GOP", may not be happy with this one. Some Democrats who call themselves "Blue Dogs" might very well like this party's direction. Centrists and moderates will probably be just fine with it. The extreme liberal left and far conservative right will not like it. Too bad. They are what is dividing our country. Barack Obama was right about one thing: It is time to become the UNITED States of America.
I recently watched the acclaimed HBO mini-series JOHN ADAMS. WOW! What a wonderful history lesson. I can't imagine getting the younger or youngest generation to sit through it, but I am going to try. The set of DVDs is under $25 on amazon.com, and it will point out that the political discourse and disagreement we are enduring now is nothing new at all. John Adams and Thomas Jefferson were friends, but politically, they were polar opposites: Adams (from MA) favored a strong Federal government and Jefferson (from VA) favoring a Republican form of government, involving the American people more, and distributing rights and powers to the states. IT IS A PROFOUND AND MOVING HISTORY LESSON OF THE EARLY DECADES OF OUR COUNTRY'S FORMATION. I CAN THINK OF NO BETTER WAY TO SPEND A COUPLE OF WINTRY EVENINGS WITH THE FAMILY. Warning, the last episode or so is deeply moving and has some very sad moments.
For trivia buffs: Adams AND Jefferson both died on the same exact day, July 4, 1826, the 50th anniversary of the date that they stated the "independence" of the United States of America.
Forming a "third party" is a device for getting the agenda heard--BUT NOT MUCH ELSE. Piece of a "third party platform" might be easily adopted by one of the current parties. The moderates in the GOP would like it. Many Blue Dog Democrats might also like a lot of it too. Thus, such ideas, like a menu on the wall at a cafeteria, are set forth to be chosen and used.
MY POSITIONS FOR "WE THE PEOPLE'S—NEW AMERICA" follows. This is far from an all-encompassing platform--and NO, I am not running for any office. But, it will give you an idea of one man's view of where America should be heading. Candidates who wish to embrace these principles are welcomed--whichever party they currently represent. See what you think about it. (This is a hard exercise to do!)
National and Homeland Security:
-Continue to fund the ICBM defense program capability but deployed on a limited scope: 4 corners and submarine based installations only. Alaska, NE USA (Maine?), SW USA (Nevada), and SE USA (Georgia) to protect the USA! Prove the system works with public tests and then "turn it on." Use it in conjunction with other Early Warning Systems to negate missile attacks from rogue states on the USA (only). Offer the technology for sale to vulnerable "true allies" --Israel comes to mind--not to just "anyone."
-Sustain a special "war criminal/enemy combatants" class for highly suspected foreign terrorists, subjecting them to treatment different from US law, and sequestering them in a maximum security prison (or two) located in isolated parts of the USA (West Texas, and Mountain State locations) until military tribunals decide their fate.
-Surgically cut defense spending, mostly redirecting funds to contemporary "weapons of war" not the ones that worked in the past century. Prohibit multiple military departments from each developing similar weapons systems. Assign primary specification to one branch of the military and make that weapon available to other branches. Air Force specifies planes, bombs, drones, etc. Marines specify assault vehicles and special purpose (only) aircraft and vision systems/munitions. Army specifies ground combat systems (tanks, other vehicles, large "guns", hand weapons, etc.). Navy specifies all types of boats (other than Marine amphibious assault vehicles) of any kind. All other branches must submit requests for spec variations for their needs to the prime specifier branch.
-Do not repeal the "Patriot Act" or any of its provisions. Wiretapping and electronic eavesdropping must be permitted whenever there is a reasonable suspicion of terrorist activities and/or a threat to national security.
-Local spending on homeland security to be limited to civilian "defense" expenditures, not administrative expansion like new offices and furniture and cars.
The Economy:
-Ban tax evaders from public office--elected or appointed. No one who has ever evaded taxes or violated tax or security laws could hold any position in the government economic or financial areas. (Goodbye, Geithner).
-Government stimulus spending would be prohibited as detrimental to the economic well-being of the country.
-Earmarks added to any legislation would require a 60% majority vote to remain in the bill, and the amounts (cumulative) be publicized monthly in the name of the Congressional member sponsoring them.
-The Capital Gains tax would be fixed at 15%, and if (or when) there was a balanced budget projected, it would be eliminated. Sooner or later we must balance this budget. Tax rates would remain as they are--for now.
-Raising taxes during a recession is a bad idea. Curtailing government spending is the critical need. Eliminating foolish waste is imperative. Get help from the private sector to analyze and propose cost reductions. Taxes on interest from savings accounts would become tax exempt.
-New taxes would be levied on "gas guzzlers" in any form--private planes, boats and other vehicles that utilize excessive amounts of fuel. Alcoholic beverage and tobacco products taxes would be doubled from current levels. These products fuel vices which are destructive to society and incur extra costs of all kinds.
-A constitutional amendment requiring a balanced budget is necessary, but allowing eight years to reach that level is also necessary.
-Require a secure ID card for every immigrant (and for every American). Allow 120 days for illegals to register and obtain a card. No card, no driver's license, no job, and face immediate deportation to the country of origin--or to the country of our choice.
-Grant amnesty, over time, based on behavior. Those in the country illegally who report in and request an ID card, can receive one provided that they report-in every 120 days (3 times per year) on their whereabouts --address and contact information (using Driver's License Bureaus in the 50 states and/or Federal Offices like Social Security, Passport agencies, etc.). Once they have successfully completed 4 years of responsible reporting, including signing up and paying taxes on any earned income (e,.g, filing a special form of tax return annually), and completed a certification in English, they become US citizens. Miss a reporting date and the 4 year time frame becomes 5 years. Miss two and they are out. Deported.
-Improve southern border security. Finish (and maintain) the border fence (electronic, not necessarily physical fence) between the US & Mexico as currently planned. Expand electronic monitoring and increased border patrols along the border, immediately deporting illegals back to Mexico. Construct "crude" short term (48 hour) holding areas for illegals apprehended and pending return (if to Mexico)--minimum for human habitation with drinking water only. Charge Mexico $25,000 US$ for each person returned, to be deducted from any US payments being made to Mexico.
-Improve port security using all available technological means. Improve northern border security using technological solutions, not "fences."
-Eliminate the birthright law that states a baby born to an illegal but in the US immediately becomes a citizen. A baby born in the US must be born to a "registered" alien to gain citizenship, which is only granted at the end of the 4 year waiting period.
-Require proficiency in English (reading and limited speaking) to obtain a driver's license, temporary worker visa and voter registration card (all via secure biometric and electronic ID cards similar in nature to the Immigrant ID, but in different colors, denoting their status.
-Increase the H1B visas granted to immigrants with critically needed skills--tenfold--to increase the flow of doctors, nurses, software engineers, etc.. Allow students graduating from US Colleges and Universities to apply for a one year extension, renewable 3 times to their student visa if they stay and work in the US
Social Security & Medicare
-Attack the waste and corruption in Medicare with a special commission of private and public sector participants to drive out the most egregious sources. This waste is most prevalent in equipment paid for but never delivered, services to "non-existent" people or "phonies" also paid for and never delivered. Make these felonies with stiff punishment.
-Make Medicare eligibility available on a graduated rate basis starting at age 62, and reaching the lowest premium at whatever the retirement age for Social Security is at that time. Continue a means testing premium increase for any household earning over $150,000, individual over $100,000.
-Extend the retirement age by one year, every two years, starting immediately, until the retirement age reaches 70. "Grandfather" those people in the "transition age" to the right to go in at the lower age. This will take 8 years. Then increase the retirement age one year every five years until it reaches age 72. Make actuarially reduced benefits available to anyone within 5 years of the then current retirement age.
-Extend the upper limit for Social Security payroll deductions to $250,000 in income to add funding to the system, but exempt the first $30,000 of income to assist lower income workers. High earners can afford to help Social Security survive, even though it's not "fair to them."
-Eliminate taxes on Social Security earnings unless total household earnings exceed $50,000, (individual earnings $33,000).
-Get the Federal government out of the business of managing schools. Allow parent's school choices with tax credits and/or vouchers available for non-public school choices.
-States should set appropriate standards for Schools, and oversee those standards. Federal role should be attempts to create some uniformity.
-Prohibit by law any case where the administrative salaries in a school system exceed those of the teachers/faculty, unless that school system can show cause to the state. Penalize states that permit this by reducing federal funding.
-Encourage schools that over-achieve in academic results with increased funding. Close down schools that fail to meet minimum standards, as they are merely dangerous adolescent "child care" facilities. Divert the funding to quality schools. Any student who cannot successfully complete 10th grade level and is over the age of 16 would be required to put in two years of government service on infrastructure renewal construction projects or other related necessary work. (Workfare, not welfare.)
-Dramatically reduce the outdated system of supports and subsidies for farms not producing crops.
-Redesign farm policies completely to match 21st century realities and technology, with the goal of dramatic reduction in funding--50% or more.
-Permit unrestricted export of "excess crop production" and also require that all crops produced by genetically modified seeds be identified as such--throughout their use in the food chain.
-Eliminate the Department of Energy completely. Terminate all of the oversight and controlling actions under its bureaucratic reach. Reason: total failure. Reinstate those pieces deemed "truly necessary" as they are discovered (if there are any), and place them in the remaining bureaucracy where they best fit.
-Permit maximum access to the huge reserves of oil and national gas America has (e.g., on Alaska's Outer Continental Shelf (OCS)--27 billion bbls or recoverable oil and 130 trillion cu. ft. of recoverable natural gas). Use proven environmentally friendly methods for drilling for oil there and in other federal land that are less environmentally sensitive, and have very, very low density of population. Includes: OCS, ANWR, Coastal areas outside a several mile limit, etc.
-Use these resources to reduce dependence on foreign oil and allocate time to develop plans and technology and start construction of non-polluting alternative energy sources beginning with a large nuclear power plant program. Under eminent domain, mandate that certain lightly populated states/areas that are geologically suitable MUST accept nuclear waste to be stored in specially prepared, Federally developed storage sites. Typical "wide-open" sites: Texas, Nevada, Montana-Wyoming & -the Dakotas. Next develop solar, wind, and limited geothermal and tidal/hydro-electric power generation which should not be directly subsidized, except by very favorable tax treatment and incentives for continued tax abatement.
-Enact tougher gas-guzzler taxes to penalize those who drive fuel inefficient vehicles. Use the funds to repair highway infrastructure.
-Eliminate any discussion of Cap & Trade systems to limit "carbon emissions." Reevaluate the scientific validity of the "global warming" premise.
-Charge disposal fees for each plastic water or soft drink bottle, for each plastic grocery or retail bag, and use these funds to provide tax credits to companies that develop sound recycling uses for these pollution creating sources. Set up depositories for these items at stores -here they are used.
-Mandate that natural gas (or propane) be used to power over the road trucks, with a conversion transition over the next 8 years.
-Charge additional fees for emissions from coal generation of electricity, and use the funds to upgrade the "grid" for more efficient distribution of natural energy (e.g., wind, solar, tidal, hydro, etc.)
Health Care
-Don't mimic past mistakes: Carefully evaluate the failures on a state level of Health care plans that are similar in part or majority to those being considered: TennCare; NY State's early 1990's "guaranteed issue" and "community rating" systems and the Washington state plan that followed mid-1990s; failures in Maine, New Hampshire, Vermont, and New Jersey, and the problems with the Massachusetts plan. "Those who do not learn from history's mistakes are destined to repeat them." But not with our tax money and health care system
-Ban all electronic advertising of prescription drugs. Mandate the use of generic drugs where efficacy is equivalent.
-Ban all government funding of drugs for non-necessary plastic surgery and aids to sexual function (ED).
-Prohibit exclusion of "pre-existing conditions" from insurance, but allow a differential premium (higher, but not more than 3X) to recognize the added cost factors. Make insurance portable from job to job or through COBRA, to unemployment. Prohibit arbitrary cancellation of coverage for reasons of claims experience.
-Limit medical malpractice lawsuits to a fixed maximum dollar level ($250k/$500k) and make the (UK) doctrine of "loser pays" apply to all legal fees. Limit legal fees collectable on a contingency basis to no more than 15% of the settlement.
-Require that all medical facilities convert to digital records management over a five year period, with portable formats for data transfer, and password security for privacy.
-Require that all medical service providers provide posted schedule of fees, and estimates of the total cost of the procedures above a pre-set limit before performing the procedure (emergencies excepted.)
Values Issues
-Re-test the Roe v. Wade decision before the Supreme Court using up to date cases and information, and let the outcome be what it turns out to be.
-Do not allow government censorship except in cases of national security.
-Reduce welfare spending/encouragement on unwed mothers under the Aid to Dependent Children plans. Create "workfare" programs of child care vs. funding dependent children
-Limit the use of food stamps to "food" and materials necessary in its preparation and consumption, such that neither tobacco, alcohol or cosmetics (male or female) or personal care items can be paid for with food stamps. Food store computers are easily programmed to exclude those items.
-Fund embryonic stem cell research only on a limited basis, where only 10% of the stem groups come from fetuses, and the remainder must come from other sources.
-Eliminate all forms or Federal legal intervention on "marriage." Permit civil unions legal status, with privileges similar to marriages, but do not call them "marriages."
Politics and Elections
-Pass a Constitutional Amendment defining term limits on members of Congress. Limit Senators to two terms (12 years), with a minimum of 1/2 that time before running for any other Congressional position. Limit Representatives to 4 terms (8 years), with a minimum of 1/2 that time before running for any other Congressional position. Require that senior staff members of Senators and Representatives also have similar term limits. Rationale: Incumbents' re-election rate for the past four House races are 94%, 94%, 98%, and 96%; Senate rates are slightly lower at 83%, 79%, 96% and 86%. Between the "gerrymandering" and incumbent-constituent financial incestuous relationship, Democracy is not served without term limits and a ban on "gerrymandering" of districts.
-Eliminate "gerrymandered" Congressional districts and require them as contiguous areas largely rectangular in shape with an aspect ratio of no more than 5:1, and no narrow area "connecting" larger areas, can be less than 1/5 the total width of the district
Require voting system standardization to no more than five different systems, all of which result in paper verification for recount purposes. Conversion to new systems must be accomplished in 4 years, and funded by a special fee assessed on equally all taxpayers when income taxes are paid. No voter to be allowed to vote without a valid ID card (containing a photo and their current address). Recounts must be conducted within 7 days of the election, and results certified and final within 14 days, under the control of local election officials with oversight from a state or Federal election official. Prohibit legal (lawsuit) intervention in elections--the people should vote, not the courts or judges. Use separate, expedited counting places and methods for absentee ballots coming from military personnel stationed outside the US.
Issue blanket apologies for US "interference" in the affairs of other nations, and withdraw all occupation and support for those countries that are ungrateful, uncooperative and wasting our help, unless doing so threatens our country's National Security. That also includes limits on "humanitarian" "interference." The US needs to stop being the world's policeman and the world's savior. It's neither our job, nor is it good for us as a country. It leaves too many unmet needs here at home.
Focus all available US resources on US needs until they are met: Infrastructure, defense, immigration control, health care and entitlements, etc.
Reduce the number of Cabinet positions from 13 or 14 (I lose count) to no more than 10, preferably 8 or 9. Combine like areas to do so. Thank the former secretaries and offer them a chance to serve as "Undersecretaries" responsible for the areas they formerly ruled--but with only three staff people each.
Withdraw all funding from the World Bank and the United Nations, and divert those funds to (1/2) reducing our deficit and (1/2) funding our own deficit ridden entitlements. Resign from the UN as it has become ineffective and is dominated by small, radical elements. It no longer fulfills what its charter called for and is a dangerous distraction and waste of money. Close the UN headquarters and let those who want to keep it in existence, move to another place--and pay their own way. Sell the real estate and use the proceeds to improve the infrastructure in New York.
Withdraw 1/2 of all troops stationed in foreign countries where we are not at "war," and redirect them to increasing our National Security through improved border control, and allowing them to "get a rest" before some other conflict breaks out. Require that foreign countries agree to and/or request US "occupancy" even when it is in their best interest (and ours)
Require English be the official language of the United States of America, and severely limit bilingual or multi-lingual signage, printed materials, messages, and education in any school that receives Federal funding of any kind. Do not require that bilingual signs be taken down, or forms destroyed, just prohibit the production of any more.
This is not an easy exercise--to write down what you think should be done on so many issues. I am certainly no expert in many of these areas. I also have no expert staff advising me of the actual facts.
What I have done is to use something that is not so common any more: "common sense." Sometimes, that old fall back actually works. What do you think of these?
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