This year the US government will spend about $225 billion in interest to service the country’s $18 trillion national debt. That interest bill is incurred at very, very low interest rates. If the Fed loosens the reins on interest rates, and a little inflation picks up as the US economy grows, it’s easy to imagine a debt service explosion coming. That $225 billion would easily double with only modest increases in interest rates.
If this year’s deficit is projected at $468 billion, a debt service explosion could increase that level of deficit by 50% in a matter of the next year or two. Nobody is even thinking about this. Rather, the current Obama administration has proposed a totally unrealistic, feel-good, unaffordable budget projecting spending 7% more than last year, consuming any expected revenue increases and then some.
To pay for all this, of course, Obama plans to tax the wealthy and corporations. But where do they get the money to pay increased taxes? By changing investment plans and charging more for whatever they sell at home (and abroad) and/or distributing less of their profits to shareholders, which are often pension plans and ordinary American investors.
Thus, while Obama portrays his plans as taking from the rich and giving to the poor, in reality, “what goes around, comes around,” and the poor and middle class will end up paying more, not in taxes directly, but for everything they buy.
After six years of mismanagement, the president has neither learned that the country should aspire to live within its means, nor has he understood that “there is no free lunch.” Eventually all Americans’ pay for his “pie-in-the-sky freebies,” whether it is in taxes directly, or in prices for things they buy that now must be higher—to pay his new taxes.
The facts are inescapable. US debt is an inconceivably large number ($18,000,000,000,000), and with growth and a little inflation, interest rates will rise and a debt service explosion is inevitable. The math is simple enough for a sixth grader to do. Double the interest rate and you double the debt service. Add to that continued deficit spending that drives up the total debt and the debt service amount goes up even faster.
Soon the amount budgeted for the debt service explosion will soon need to be $500 billion—per year. All that is nothing more than the tribute to wrong minded policies that keep on spending more than is coming in, and ignoring the consequences. Who pays in the long run? Every American—rich or poor—pays. Even welfare dollars will buy less. What a tragedy of presidential incompetence.
During the six years of his presidency, Barack Obama’s crippling uncertainty has continued to create massive doubts about what he and his administration will do next—in domestic policy/energy policy, in foreign policy, in regulation and especially with executive orders. This uncertainty has paralyzed the business community, inhibited investment and slowed economic growth. You could call it "Obama's dilemma: what do I do now?"
Now he is doing it again, but to the US military this time, showing indecision in his “jump but don’t land” policy and telegraphing his incomplete/incompetent plans on how to stop the evil onslaught of ISIS. It’s hard “to fight an enemy he won’t name,” as one general put it. It’s even harder to fight an enemy “with one hand tied behind your back” and a leader who doesn’t even want you to “really fight” and isn't sure what to do now.
It was Edmund Burke who said, "Those who don't know history are destined to repeat it" And there is little doubt about the apt comparisons to ISIS and Nazi growth in the 20th century, the Vietnam (“unwinnable”) War, and the Afghanistan and Iraq “wars” (also “wars that could not be won”). The latter instances due largely to uncertainty about the mission—and politically motivated mismanagement of how--or if--to fight in the conflict. (e.g., Restrictive and constantly shifting rules of engagement.)
However, another Burke quote is perhaps even more relevant: "The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing." Most Americans are hesitant to engage in another military conflict that costs American lives in a faraway place against an amorphous and ideological enemy, and presents the risk of far greater entanglements. But, however you frame the issue, ISIS and it brutal march through the Middle East must be stopped. That fact is inescapable.
There is little doubt or disagreement about the brutal evil of ISIS. There is also little confidence in the coalition of mostly Middle Eastern, and ground forces that are confronting ISIS. The recent engagement of Jordanian forces is a positive step. Egypt’s move against ISIS forces in Libya is a welcome signal. A much greater stand by Turkey would be even more welcome.
Ironically, what is holding all of them back is the lack of confidence in the directions, commitment and policy of the USA and especially its leader, Barack Obama’s crippling uncertainty. US military leadership is concerned about starting an unwinnable, and to some extent, and impossible war to fight. Many Americans view Obama as a Muslim sympathizer because he adamantly refuses to use the accurate term “radical Islam” to describe the enemy.
Imagine that ISIS (or ISIL as Obama calls it) launched an attack on the White House, using missiles, rocket-propelled grenades, or worse yet, chemical weapons. They have all of these, and there are believed to be large ISIS sleeper cells in the USA. Imagine how differently Barack Obama would behave and act if he and his family and their home”were under attack by these ruthless and brutal “radical Islam” fighters.
Obama’s disdain for American allies (particularly Israel) is portrayed openly by his continued use of the acronym ISIL instead of ISIS. The L in ISIL stands for Levant, which includes Israel, a huge difference, in how to describe the terrorist organization's targeted countries in the Middle East.
Leaders must set clear direction, and engage the people under their leadership in creating the plans and executing them. Then the leader must make sure the resources are available and the progress (or lack thereof) is measured, and adjustments made. These fundamentals of leadership totally escape Barack Obama.
Disclosure: I co-authored Hope is NOT a Strategy: Leadership Lessons from the Obama Presidency, in 2012, which chronicles many such Obama leadership flaws and failures.
Since that book was written all of the failures cited have continued, gotten worse or been repeated in other areas. Nothing is more difficult to deal with than a most serious flaw, Barack Obama’s crippling uncertainty. It seems to emerge and taint in every important issue of his presidency.
His most recent attempt to involve Congress in the ISIS decision provides Obama with at least two of his favorite excuses: 1) someone else to blame if things go wrong, and 2) an excuse—and someone to blame—if he doesn’t get his way. America and its people and allies will suffer, because he will never learn; never change. What a tragedy for America; what failure as a leader Americans have chosen. Obama's dilemma: what do I do now?— cannot end too soon.
From the Iron Mountain, MI, Daily News: "Stop This Insanity" May 30, 2014
I went to the Veteran's Hospital in Iron Mountain today on business. While there I stopped at the Chapel and found pinky-purple type curtains with mesh at the top, covering the altar. (You know the type. They use them between sick patient beds in the hospital).
I stopped in my tracks, shocked at what I saw. I peeked behind the curtain, and found what used to be the welcoming part of the chapel, the Cross, a picture of Christ, and other Christian icons familiar to the majority of Americans. I found Chaplain Bob Mueller, to ask what the meaning was of this change. This is what he told me.
"A couple of months ago, an order came down from Washington DC to cover all things associated with Christianity in the Vet Hospitals. Their solution is to cover everything in all the VA Chapels across the country."
Chaplain Bob went on to say, "A few weeks ago an official from the Madison, WI. Vet Administration came down here to tell me to "stop talking about Jesus, and to stop reading scripture out loud."
Chaplain Bob also said that the rest of the Obama plan is to send more curtains to cover the rest of the stained glass windows, because there are Christian symbols on the stained glass.
I was skeptical of the accuracy of this article, so I checked it out through:
If this isn't a wake up call to all Americans, I don't know what is -- another 911!!!
All of Sharpton's For-Profit Enterprises Failed to Pay Taxes
Records show that Sharpton’s beleaguered for-profit entities often overlap and intertwine, some sharing ties with the reverend’s nonprofit organization, National Action Network. Their financial records are copious, confusing, and sometimes outright bizarre, and together, they depict persistent financial woes for Sharpton, who also personally owes New York State nearly $596,000, according to active tax warrants. “He clearly appears — based on the information that’s available to us — to have a history of noncompliance with tax obligations,” says Bernadette Schopfer, the director of taxation at New York’s Maier Markey & Justic, a certified public-accounting firm that has had no dealings with Sharpton or National Action Network. “It appears that [Sharpton] does not file [taxes for his businesses], and then opens up something else. At all the entities we see he has opened up, he has not been compliant with the obligations of the owner of a business. . . . He’s either willful in his behavior, or he’s just sloppy.” Sharpton, who was traveling internationally, was unavailable for an interview, despite NRO’s numerous queries over several days.
====================UNFAIR? JOE vs. JOSE … you decide!You have two families: "Joe Legal" and "Jose Illegal". Both families havetwo parents, two children, and live in California ..---Joe Legal works in construction, has a Social Security Number and makes$25.00 per hour with taxes deducted.Jose Illegal also works in construction, has NO Social Security Number, andgets paid $15.00 cash "under the table".*Ready? Now pay attention....*--Joe Legal: $25.00 per hour x 40 hours = $1000.00 per week, or $52,000.00per year. Now take 30% away for state and federal tax; Joe Legal now has$31,231.00.Jose Illegal: $15.00 per hour x 40 hours = $600.00 per week, or $31,200.0 0per year. Jose Illegal pays no taxes. Jose Illegal now has $31,200.00.--Joe Legal pays medical and dental insurance with limited coverage for hisfamily at $600.00 per month, or $7,200.00 per year. Joe Legal now has$24,031.00.Jose Illegal has full medical and dental coverage through the state andlocal clinics and emergency hospitals at a cost of $0.00 per year. JoseIllegal still has $31,200.00.--Joe Legal makes too much money and is not eligible for food stamps orwelfare. Joe Legal pays $500.00 per month for food, or $6,000.00 per year.Joe Legal now has $18,031.00.Jose Illegal has no documented income and is eligible for food stamps, WICand welfare. Jose Illegal still has $31,200.00.--Joe Legal pays rent of $1,200.00 per month, or $14,400.00 per year. JoeLegal now has 9,631.00.Jose Illegal receives a $500.00 per month Federal Rent Subsidy. JoseIllegal pays out that $500.00 per month, or $6,000.00 per year. JoseIllegal still has $ 31,200.00.--Joe Legal pays $200.00 per month, or $2,400.00 for car insurance. Some ofthat is uninsured motorist insurance. Joe Legal now has $7,231.00.Jose Illegal says, "We don't need no stinkin' insurance!" and still has$31,200.00.--Joe Legal has to make his $7,231.00 stretch to pay utilities, gasoline,etc..Jose Illegal has to make his $31,200.00 stretch to pay utilities, gasoline,and what he sends out of the country every month..--Joe Legal now works overtime on Saturdays or a part time job afterwork.Jose Illegal has nights and weekends off to enjoy with his family.--Joe Legal's and Jose Illegal's children both attend the same elementaryschool.Joe Legal pays for his children's lunches, while Jose Illegal's childrenget a government sponsored lunch.Jose Illegal's children have an after school ESL program.--Joe Legal's children go home.Now, when they reach college age,--Joe Legal's kids may not get into a StateSchool and may not qualify for scholarships, grants or other tuition help,even though Joe has been paying for State Schools through his taxesJose Illegal's kids "go to the head of the class" because they are aminority.Joe Legal and Jose Illegal both enjoy the same police and fire services,but Joe paid for them and Jose did NOT PAY.Do you get it, now? If you vote for or support any politician that supports illegal aliens...You are part of the problem! We need to keep this going--we need to make changes ASAP!It's way PAST time to take a stand for America and Americans!And FIND A WAY TO Penalize THE GUY/COMPANY HIRING AND PAYING illegal JOSE!
Darwin Awards 2014 (Better than the Academy Awards!)
Nominee No. 1: [ San Jose Mercury News]:
An unidentified man, using a shotgun like a club to break a former girlfriends windshield, accidentally shot himself to death when the gun discharged, blowing a hole in his gut.
Nominee No. 2: [Kalamazoo Gazette]:
James Burns, 34, (a mechanic) of Alamo, MI, was killed in March as he was trying to repair what police describe as a "farm-type truck." Burns got a friend to drive the truck on a highway while Burns hung underneath so that he could ascertain the source of a troubling noise. Burns' clothes caught on something, however, and the other man found Burns "wrapped in the drive shaft."
Nominee No. 3: [Hickory Daily Record]:
Ken Charles Barger, 47, accidentally shot himself to death in December in Newton, NC. Awakening to the sound of a ringing telephone beside his bed, he reached for the phone, but grabbed instead a Smith & Wesson 38 Special which discharged when he drew it to his ear.
Nominee No. 4: [UPI, Toronto ]:
Police said a lawyer--demonstrating the safety of windows in a downtown Toronto skyscraper--crashed through a pane with his shoulder and plunged 24 floors to his death. A police spokesman said Garry Hoy, 39, fell into the courtyard of the Toronto Dominion Bank Tower early Friday evening as he was explaining the strength of the buildings windows to visiting law students. Hoy previously has conducted demonstrations of window strength, according to police reports. Peter Lawson, managing partner of the firm Holden-Day-Wilson, told the Toronto Sun newspaper that Hoy was "one of the best and brightest" members of the 200-man association. A person has to wonder what the dimmer members of this law firm are like.
Nominee No. 5: [The News of the Weird]:
Michael Anderson Godwin had spent several years awaiting South Carolina's electric chair on a murder conviction before having his sentence reduced to life in prison. While sitting on a metal toilet in his cell attempting to fix his small TV set, he bit into a wire and was electrocuted.
Nominee No. 6: [The Indianapolis Star]:
A Dunkirk IN man--using a cigarette lighter to check the barrel of a muzzleloader--was killed Monday night when the weapon discharged in his face, sheriff's investigators said. Gregory David Pryor, 19, died in his parents' rural Dunkirk home at about 11:30 PM. Investigators said Pryor was cleaning a 54-caliber muzzle-loader that had not been firing properly. He was using the lighter to look into the barrel when the gunpowder ignited.
Nominee No. 7: [Reuters, Mississauga, Ontario]:
A man cleaning a bird feeder on the balcony of his condominium apartment in this Toronto suburb slipped and fell 23 stories to his death. "Stefan Macko, 55, was standing on a wheelchair when the accident occurred," said Inspector Darcy Honer of the Peel Regional Police. "It appears that the chair moved and he went over the balcony," Honer said.
Finally, THE WINNER!!!: [Arkansas Democrat Gazette]:
Two local men were injured when their pickup truck left the road and struck a tree near Cotton Patch on State Highway 38 early Monday.
Woodruff County deputy Dovey Snyder reported the accident shortly after midnight Monday. Thurston Poole, 33, of Des Arc, and Billy Ray Wallis, 38, of Little Rock, were returning to Des Arc after a frog-catching trip. On an overcast Sunday night, Poole's pickup truck headlights malfunctioned.
The two men concluded that the headlight fuse on the older-model truck had burned out. As a replacement fuse was not available, Wallis noticed that the .22-caliber bullets from his pistol fit perfectly into the fuse box next to the steering-wheel column. Upon inserting the bullet, the headlights again began to operate properly and the two men proceeded eastbound toward the White River Bridge.
After traveling approximately 20 miles and just before crossing the river, the bullet apparently overheated, discharged and struck Poole in the testicles. The vehicle swerved sharply right, exited the pavement, and struck a tree. Poole suffered only minor cuts and abrasions from the accident but will require extensive surgery to repair the damage to his testicles, which will never operate as intended.
Wallis sustained a broken clavicle and was treated and released. "Thank God we weren't on that bridge when Thurston shot his balls off, or we might be dead," stated Wallis.
"I've been a trooper for 10 years in this part of the world, but this is a first for me. I can't believe that those two would admit how this accident happened," said Snyder.
Upon being notified of the wreck, Lavinia Poole (Poole's wife) asked how many frogs the boys had caught and did anyone get them from the truck?
Though Poole and Wallis did not die as a result of their misadventure--as normally required by Darwin Award Official Rules--it can be argued that Poole did, in fact, effectively remove himself from the gene pool.
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